Home MARKET How I Grew SEOFOMO Into an Email Marketing Empire — Whiteboard Friday

How I Grew SEOFOMO Into an Email Marketing Empire — Whiteboard Friday

by Ohio Digital News

With SEOFOMO, SEO you might think it’s like a niche. Yes, it’s a niche, but a lot is happening all the time. A lot is going on all the time. So it is worth it to learn about it and keep updated weekly. Yes, it’s a niche, but it has a big enough audience, a big enough soup industry let’s say.

Then, on the other hand, when I started MarketingFOMO a couple of years ago, interestingly enough, even if it is even a bigger industry because it encompasses everything which is marketing, realistically because there are so many other digital marketing newsletters, it has been much harder for me to grow realistically, right?

I keep it going. Consistency is key. I won’t stop. But it has been much more difficult because of all of the competition out there, and some of them are even daily. For some people, it actually makes sense to keep it updated daily rather than weekly, right? That is completely fine.

Let’s see the other example here with AI Marketers. AI Marketers, I literally started three weeks ago, and it has gone from 0 to 1.2K subscribers in a time that I consider to be a record.

This is the thing. When I launched AI Marketers, I had a couple of people coming to me, and it’s like, “Aleyda, why did you launch AI Marketers? You should have launched AIFOMO.” I know that from a branding perspective, building the FOMO empire here of newsletters, I wanted to call it in a way that was descriptive enough and meaningful so the people knew what they were going to subscribe about. I wanted to make sure that people knew that it was not an AI newsletter in general. Why? Because that is too broad. I would have fallen into the same challenge with MarketingFOMO.

AI newsletters, like dozens of them that are sent even daily. Actually, at this point, it actually makes sense, if you’re trying to follow up with everything AI, to read them daily. I didn’t want that. I wanted to do something targeted towards marketers because that is my actual, more specific industry. The angle that I wanted to take is like AI news, resources, guides, tips, and tools targeted to marketers only. It has proven so far to be attractive enough.

So whenever, if you think, “I would like to start a newsletter, but is it too niche,” not necessarily. If there’s a lot going on that makes sense to follow up with on a weekly basis, why not? Of course, you should balance it out and make sure that you provide a lot of signal-versus-noise type of criteria here that you need to assess, of course.

I hope that with all of these tips and do’s and don’ts, you’re able to literally start your newsletter from scratch potentially, but with even better, more focusing on those audiences and those resources that actually make sense for you to keep the effort going.

Remember, consistency is key. Don’t expect it to grow from one day to another. Yes, it’s true that I have this number of subscribers at this point, but it has taken five years to get there. Keep it going. Thank you very much.

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